About NPSOA...
NPSOA’s mission statement is simple, yet ambitious. The National Print & Sign Owners Association is dedicated to delivering a variety of products and services that enhance the growth and profitability of its members through advocacy, educational programs, publications, research, and the sharing of technical information. We seek to serve a broad audience involved in the graphic communications industry, which includes printing and copying firms, and those firms offering mailing services, sign-making and large format printing.NPSOA History...
In 2012 a small group of print & sign company owners began discussing meeting together informally to share and learn from each other. The discussions grew and David Handler of Success Handler LLC was engaged to help formalize plans and to lead a planning session to form a new association. David lead the group through a formal process to discuss what purpose and goals the owners had. As a result of these meetings a new organization was conceived with founders contributing their own funds to launch the association.
For more information visit - NPSOA.org