About Birchbark Books..
Aniin! Boozhoo! Han and Hau! Welcome to Birchbark Books. There is no one like us in person, and no one like us online. We are not owned by a corporation; we are not part of a chain. We are that increasingly rare thing—a tiny independent bookstore.
We exist to keep real conversations between book lovers alive. We exist to nourish and build a community based on books. We are a neighborhood bookstore, and also an international presence. Our visitors come from Minneapolis-St. Paul, from every U.S. reservation and Canadian reserve, and from all over the world. We are different from all other bookstores on earth!
We are a locus for Indigirati—literate Indigenous people who have survived over half a millennium on this continent. We sponsor readings by Native and non-Native writers, journalists, historians.
We are also a cozy little destination—a neighborhood bookstore. Next door to the Kenwood restaurant. Just down the block from Bockey Gallery and ARTrageous Adventures. Around the corner from Framestyles and Kenwood Pet Clinic. Across the street from Kenwood Elementary. A stone's throw from Lake of the Isles.